Why Fish Make Such Great Pets

goldfishEveryone would enjoy a pet. Not just little kids but older folks to. Who really has the time for a pet that takes a lot of time and costs a lot of money. That's why fish make great pets. They do not cost a lot and before you know it you will realize that your little fish made a great companion plus took no time at all in taking care of it. Fish come in all different shapes,sizes,colors and costs so everyone can find the fish that suites them best.

They're Very Inexpensive

Instead of buying a dog that costs over five hundred dollars and then having to buy his crate, and his food, his bowl, and his toys, you could spend under fifty dollars and buy everything that your fish will need for the rest of his life. In addition, most fish are inexpensive, and you can get several at a grocery store for less than $20. If you're worried about spending too much on a pet, fish are the way to go.

They do not need a lot of supplies

When purchasing your fish, there are a few things that you will need to purchase to keep him healthy, happy and alive. These things consist of a bowl or aquarium that will house your fish for the remainder of his life.These can either be purchased in glass or plastic depending on which better suites you. They also come in tons of different sizes that hold different amounts of water depending on which fish you buy or how many fish you are intending on purchasing.

His food can be found in all different types and the fish expert at your local pet store will have no problems directing you to the food that your particular fish needs. Fish food comes in all different varietiess including pellets, flakes, and freeze dried shrimps and also come in a variety of prices.

You will also need to purchase water conditioning liquid. This keeps your fish alive by neutralizing the chlorine in your tap water that can harm, or even kill your, your fish. This too comes in all different prices, sizes, and types. You will also have the option to buy decorations for your bowl or aquarium but this is completely up to you.

Decorations for the bowl or aquarium include, but are not limited to: Colored rocks, stones, or marbles; real or fake plants that your fish can not only hide in but eat and stay safe from other fish you may end up purchasing. Decorations can also include glass hangings that can cling to the wall of your bowl or aquarium to make it look better or to better reflect you and your fish's personality.

Fish are easy to take care of

Really, the only thing you need to do for your fish is feed him daily and wash his home often, depending on its size. If you have purchased a small fish bowl for your new fish you would need to clean that every week, but if you have purchased a large aquarium to house a lot of fish at once you probably will find yourself cleaning that once a month, if that! Do not forget to add the water conditioner to the water when cleaning out your fish's home.

Fish do not smell

As long as you clean your fish bowl or tank as often as needed you will see that you fish gives off no bad smells. Your fish cannot poop inside your house or make your house smell bad to guests. He lives in his small home and keeps his smells to himself. This is a wonderful thing when you have had dogs, cats, rabbits and gerbils, which all can emanate foul odors.

As you can see fish make great pets that are easy to take care of, cheap and do not smell! What could be better than that?
